Album CREDO nominated for German Record Critics’ Award!

On January 5th German Record Critics’ Award (Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik, PdSK) published Long list 1/2014 for the next Quarterly Critic’s Choice. Among 292 nominations in 32 categories of publications State Choir LATVIJA and Māris Sirmais album CREDO is nominated in Choral music category. The Quarterly Critic’s Choice 1/2024 will be published on the 15th of February.
Last September the British music recording company Hyperion released album CREDO including masterpieces of five composers – Richard Strauss, Sven-David Sandström, Olivier Messiaen, Ambrož Čopi and Matej Kastelic – recorded in St. John’s Church in Riga, Latvia by the State Choir LATVIJA and conductor Māris Sirmais.
The »German Record Critics’ Award« was founded in 1963. Music critics and journalists from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland regularly come together to honor outstanding music and spoken word productions. The jurors of the PdSK sift through and check all new publications quarter by quarter. Each panel of experts consists of up of five jurors. With currently 32 specialist juries, the entire, diverse spectrum of genres is covered, from symphonic music to opera to harpsichord music and spoken word, from jazz to folklore and heavy metal to rock and hip-hop. The jurors publish Quarterly Critic’s Choices, and once a year award Annual Awards and Honorary Awards to artists and producers at public events, and the »Nachtigall«, the highest artistic distinction, at irregular intervals.
More about award HERE