Music publishing company ONDINE has released a new album of Polish composer’s Pawel Lukazsweski sacred music recorded by the State Choir LATVIJA and conductor Māris Sirmais. The CD includes 11 sacred choral works recorded in October 2021 in Riga St. John’s Church in Latvia, eight of which are world premiere recordings.
Listen to the new album on Spotify:
Paweł Łukaszewski (b. 1968) is possibly the most-performed contemporary composer from Poland. His spiritual choral works are performed by both professional and amateur choirs around the world. Paweł Łukaszewski’s output has a significant position in Great Britain where his works are performed and premiered by renowned London and Cambridge choral ensembles. This new album by the award-winning State Choir LATVIJA under Māris Sirmais includes several world première recordings from the Polish master.
The recording is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland as part of the multi-annual program NIEPODLEGŁA 2017–2022
Adam Mickiewicz Institute: