Sacred Music Concert. Nationwide Latvian Song and Dance festival




Rīgas Doms

The Sacred Music Concert is a traditional event for the beginning of the Song and Dance Festival week. This time, it will feature the work of Latvian classical music’s most exceptional composers: Emīls Dārziņš, Jāzeps Mediņš, Jēkabs Graubiņš, Uģis Prauliņš, Pēteris Vasks, Gundega Šmite, Rihards Dubra, Ēriks Ešenvalds and Jēkabs Jančevskis. These opuses will be performed by Latvia’s professional choirs and choirs of the country’s institutes for higher musical education.

Fragility, grandeur and a philosophical depth. An opportunity to recognise the values of today and the eternity of time and space.

Artistic Director: Jurģis Cābulis
Director: Māra Ķimele
Light Artist: Oskars Pauliņš

June 30, 2023.