Between Two Eternities…

Choir songs by Leonīds Vīgners
State Choir Latvija
Antra Bigača, mezzo-soprano
Dace Zemzare, soprano
Viesturs Jansons, tenor
Conductor Māris Sirmais
(P)&(C) State Choir Latvija 2001
1. We, the Argonauts of Life
2. Seekers
3. Remember the Sun
4. In the Late Afternoon
5. Darkening
6. Holy Night
7. Ave Maria
8. Between Two Eternities
9. Like Snow on the Tops of Mountains
10. In the Apple Blossom
11. The Black Raven Scurried
12. Grieving Soldiers
13. A Soldier’s Bride
14. Who Are Those Mighty Men
15. Little Blacksmiths, Little Brothers
16. A Little Lullaby
17. My Loving Mother Has Gone
18. Dew Covered the Face of the Ground
19. My Lake
20. To A Friend
21. At Dusk
22. Walking Through A Silver Birch Grove
23. Song of the Fatherland
24. Ave Sol
25. Tree of Life
Leonīds Vīgners – Ernests Vīgners’ most influential descendant, a former student of Jāzeps Vītols, a talented composer and bright interpreter, and one of Latvia’s musical giants of 20th Century. Leonīds Vīgners began composing choir music already in 1926. Today, Vīgners’ collection of songs for choir comprises over 50 works.
The State Choir Latvija under the initiative of the choir’s artistic director, Māris Sirmais, has recorded the first extensive collection of Leonīds Vīgners’ choir music as a dedication to the maestro’s 95th birthday. This elaborate, polished collection has captured the radiance and diversity of his many compositions. As in live performances of his masterpieces, this recording allows the listener to witness the contrasts in mood and theme present in his many songs for men’s, women’s and mixed choirs.